"Smart Muster" Smart Phone to Authenticate the Attendance

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No Hardware Required

‘Smart Muster’ is a mobile application which can reside on any smart phone, having the popular operating systems. The office staff can record their attendance at the work place using their smart phones. Managers can see the attendance record of all the employees with geo location, date and time details and at the same time the individual staff can also view their own attendance records on their mobile phones.


‘Smart Muster’ is tightly coupled with our well known and proven industrial attendance system, proven in the field for past several years, which takes care of any complicated attendance rules, leave rules, and shift scheduling. You can easily scale up with many options of having any features and facilities.For example, you may upgrade or add your Smart Muster with biometric device or, you may also add an additional location/branch of your office or, you may avail a payroll and directly get a pay slip of employees etc.

We protect your Investments

‘Smart Muster’ platform is compatible with our in-house range of Biometrics and smart card devices. It is just plug and play. We also allow popular brands of biometric devices with an interface bridge for seamless solution.


Sign Up

Register your organization by entering your company details. You will get verification email in your Inbox. Just click on verify button and get you portal access details where you can register your employees and check the report.


Create Profile

Login the "www.smartmuster.in" portal with your username and password and create your company profile, register employees.


Enjoy the app

Ask your employees to download "Smart Muster" mobile app, login with their registered mobile number and mark the Attendance from Smart Phone.

For Demo Account Click Here..

Embrace the Future of Attendance

Today, Smart phones have revolutionized the way we carry out our day to day activities. Do you remember the last time you searched the telephone directory or used your walkman to listen to some music? Our smart phone is our calculator, calendar, radio, walkman, road guide, diary, notepad etc all rolled into one. So don’t you think it’s time for marking and viewing our office attendance also using our smart phone??

Precisely for this reason, we introduce our mobile application, “Smart Muster” which will help you do this. Using this app, the office staff can record their attendance at the work place using their smart phones. Managers can see the attendance record of all the employees with geo location, date and time details and at the same time the individual staff can also view their own attendance records on their mobile phones.

‘Smart Muster’ is a mobile application which can reside on any smart phone, having the popular operating systems and is connected strongly, coupled with our well proven cloud based attendance platform ETAM, which is being used by hundreds of customers with thousands of employees across India and abroad.


Smart Phone to Authenticate the Attendance

It is well known that Biometrics is the best bet to authenticate any human being. For those who are new to Biometrics; it is a method deployed to authenticate a person by his biological traits such as finger-print, iris, voice, DNA sample etc, These biological characteristics cannot be duplicated, loaned or destroyed.

Now look at your own smart phone, it has occupied such a position in your day to day life that you cannot be away from your phone for more than 5 minutes!!! Your contacts, social media discussions, email are so tightly coupled with your smart phone that it has become a part and parcel of your being. And thus, we say that wherever you go your smart phone will always be with you. Hence, Smart phones have become an integral part of people’s life and their identity.


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